1. Waves are the children of the struggle between ocean and atmosphere, the ongoing signatures of infinity.

2. The sun burnishes the South Pacific sky.

3. The Arctic Ocean is considered by some to be a northern part of the Atlantic Ocean.

4. The Atlantic is a mighty ocean.

5. The man wanted to fly to Rockall, a lonely island in the pacific Ocean.

6. These are called the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian oceans.
    它们叫做大西洋, 太平洋和印度洋.

7. They sailed the Pacific on a raft.

8. The spacecraft splashed down in the Pacific.

9. The continents form rugged tablelands which stand nearly three miles above the floor of the open ocean.
    大陆构成了崎岖不平的高地, 这些高地几乎高出广阔的海洋的洋底3英里.

10. The continents form rugged tablelands which stand nearly three miles above the floor of the open ocean.